Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Email to chang212@gmail.com

 1. Copy the transcript of the video clip and paste it on ChatGPT or Claude

2. According to the transcript of the interview, write a summary of the story.

3. Translate the summary  into Traditional Chinese. 你是一位專業翻譯者,請將上述故事摘要翻譯成繁體中文 。

4. Take notes for the transcript in Traditional Chinese. 請用繁體中文將上述故事做成筆記。

5. You are sharing the story in your class. Make 10 slides for your presentation. 請提供此份投影片的繁體中文版。

6. Prepare 5 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end, tell me out of the 5 questions above, how many questions are correctly answered?


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