Friday, December 22, 2023

演講: 在老街溪,開一家"社會企業"咖啡廳 12/28/2023

 『友善地球與動物,由咖啡廳開始』- 老街溪一家獨特的社會企業咖啡廳!讓我們一同探索動物友善與愛惜地球的真實里程,揭開如何在這個咖啡廳裡實踐減廢與環保的一個又一個故事。這場演講將為你帶來新視野,探討我們如何透過友善對待動物和減少廢棄物來締造更一個不一樣的未來!

講者 王建豪 Stanley

時間 12/28/2023 7:00 夜

地點 中原大學真知教學大樓 608 教室


"『Starting a Friendly Earth and Animal Movement from a Cafe』- Introducing a unique social enterprise cafe in Laojie Creek! Let's explore the genuine journey of animal welfare and nurturing the planet together, uncovering numerous stories of waste reduction and environmental conservation practiced within this cafe. This lecture promises to provide a fresh perspective on how we can create a different future by being kind to animals and reducing waste. 

Speaker: Stanley Wang Chien-Hao

Date: December 28th, 2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Room 608, Jhen Zhi Teaching Building, Chung Yuan Christian University."

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