Friday, March 31, 2023

2023秋季 數位包容與實踐




  1. 生命價值的提問與思考 (2023/9/14)
  2. 身障者「科技充權、機會、服務」的道德面向 (2023/9/21)
  3. 身障者的遊戲權 (2023/9/28)
  4. 身障者 需要與服務之滿足 (2023/10/5)
  5. 《錢買不的東西》第1章 閱讀報告 (2023/10/12)
  6. 《叫我第一名》 影片賞析與倫理議題討論 (2023/10/19)
  7. 錢買不的東西 第2章 閱讀報告 (2023/10/26)
  8. 《奇蹟男孩》影片賞析與倫理議題討論 (2023/11/2)
  9. 期中考 (2023/11/9)
  10. 錢買不的東西 第3章 閱讀報告 (2023/11/16)
  11. 錢買不的東西 第4章 閱讀報告 (2023/11/23)
  12. 科技服務 倫理學理論與實踐 (2023/11/30)
  13. 科技工程倫理 (2023/12/7)


  1. 以包容為導向的科技研發 Part 1 (2023/12/14)
  2. 以包容為導向的科技研發 Part 2 (2023/12/21)
  3. 社會企業,減廢,動物友善 (2023/12/28)
  4. 以包容為導向的科技研發 Part 3 (2024/1/4)

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Technology frontiers


F16 with laser

Long range anti ship missile


Raytheon Laser


The United States is a major supplier of weapons to Taiwan, and as such, Taiwan's armed forces use several American-made missiles. Some of the American missiles used by Taiwan's armed forces are:

  1. AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile: The Harpoon is a subsonic anti-ship missile that is designed to strike enemy vessels at sea. It has a range of up to 124 km and can carry a 227 kg warhead.

  2. AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM): The AMRAAM is a medium-range air-to-air missile that is designed to intercept enemy aircraft. It has a range of up to 105 km and can reach speeds of up to Mach 4.

  3. AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missile: The Maverick is a precision-guided air-to-ground missile that is designed to strike enemy ground targets. It has a range of up to 27 km and can carry a 136 kg warhead.

  4. FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile: The Javelin is a shoulder-fired anti-tank missile that is designed to destroy armored vehicles. It has a range of up to 2.5 km and can penetrate up to 800 mm of armor.

  5. MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile: The Patriot is a long-range air defense missile that is designed to intercept enemy aircraft and missiles. It has a range of up to 160 km and can reach an altitude of up to 24 km.

These American-made missiles are intended to provide Taiwan with advanced capabilities to deter potential threats and defend against any potential attacks.

Science Frontiers

護育珊瑚  15:00

James Webb Telescope Maggie Aderin-Pocock 15:00 transcript 

black holes 15:00 transcript

問題: 金城先生的故事可以給我們什麼啟發?

問題: 給對科學有興趣的小學生一段話




  1. 生物多樣性損失:珊瑚礁是生物多樣性最豐富的海洋生態系統之一,它們提供了許多不同物種的棲息地。如果珊瑚礁消失,將對許多物種的存活和生態角色造成威脅。

  2. 漁業衝擊:許多魚類和其他海洋生物依賴珊瑚礁作為食物和棲息地。如果珊瑚礁消失,這些物種將無處可去,可能會對全球漁業造成衝擊。

  3. 海岸侵蝕:珊瑚礁可以減緩海浪的力量,保護海岸免受侵襲。如果珊瑚礁消失,海岸可能會更容易受到風暴和颶風的侵襲,導致更嚴重的海岸侵蝕和洪水。

  4. 水質惡化:珊瑚礁可以過濾海水,保持水質清澈。如果珊瑚礁消失,可能會導致水質惡化,對海洋生物和人類健康造成影響。


Certainly! Here are a few tips for females studying STEM fields:

  1. Find supportive communities: Seek out communities of fellow female STEM students or professionals who can offer support, guidance, and encouragement.

  2. Develop a growth mindset: Recognize that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Don't let setbacks discourage you, and be open to learning from mistakes.

  3. Find role models: Look for female role models in your field who can inspire you and offer guidance. Learn from their experiences and seek mentorship if possible.

  4. Build your confidence: Focus on your strengths and accomplishments, and don't let self-doubt hold you back. Recognize that you belong in STEM and that your perspective and contributions are valuable.

  5. Seek out opportunities: Take advantage of opportunities to gain experience in your field, such as internships, research opportunities, or attending conferences. These experiences can help you build skills, network, and develop a deeper understanding of your field.

  6. Speak up and advocate for yourself: Don't be afraid to speak up and assert your ideas and opinions. Advocate for yourself and your goals, and don't let bias or discrimination go unaddressed.

While stars and black holes may seem irrelevant to our daily lives, studying them can actually provide us with valuable insights into the nature of our universe and our place in it. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Understanding the universe: Studying stars and black holes helps us to better understand the universe we live in. We can learn about the formation of galaxies, the evolution of stars, and the physics of space-time by studying these objects.

  2. Technological advancements: Many technological advancements have come as a result of research in astrophysics. For example, research into black holes has led to the development of new technologies like gravitational wave detectors.

  3. Inspiring curiosity: Studying the mysteries of the universe can be incredibly inspiring and motivating, encouraging people to ask big questions and explore the unknown.

  4. Cultural significance: Stars and black holes have played significant roles in cultures throughout history, serving as symbols of power, beauty, and mystery. Studying these objects can help us better understand the cultural significance of astronomy.