Tuesday, September 10, 2024

HW#2: QuickSort

如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.


Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59

Send all the links to  me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject HW#2 QuickSort [your id, your name].

練習: AI Historic Review

AI發展十年回顧 (2012-2023)

1. Press Remix Artifact and then explore one of the options Claude.ai suggests. Or explore as you like.

2. comprehension test: (your prompt to AI, just copy and paste it)

Prepare 10 multiple choice problems from the paste text above to test comprehension. Generate one problem at a time. Then you request an answer. After you receive one, grade it. Then generate next problem. In the end tell me how many are correctly answered. 

練習: QuickSort

練習: 河內之塔

Tower of Hanoi

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