Tuesday, October 29, 2024


思維鏈,思路,Chain of Thought: 一種按部就班,將複雜任務化為連續較為簡單步驟,使理路更為清晰,每個步驟較容易執行,最後目標因而更容易達成的思考方法。(例如:渡船問題)


you are a professor. criticize chap 2 of the thesis

According to weakness 1, improve chap 2, mark the difference in bold.

依據弱點1. 改寫chap 2, 改寫處以黑體字表示

According to weakness 2, keep improving chap 2, mark the difference in bold.

依據弱點2. 繼續改寫chap 2, 改寫處以黑體字表示


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