Deadline: This is an in-class exercise. 無需繳交作業。
Deadline: This is an in-class exercise. 無需繳交作業。
you are a professor. criticize chap 2 of the thesis
According to weakness 1, improve chap 2, mark the difference in bold.
依據弱點1. 改寫chap 2, 改寫處以黑體字表示
Deadline: This is an in-class exercise. 無需繳交作業。
1. 依據實驗方法或實驗數據簡報,摘要報告生成完整碩論 歡迎使用你的資料,但注意機敏議題。(實驗方法簡報參考)
2. 接續前一題,撰寫更好的文獻回顧(使用思維鏈, CoT)
翻譯長篇論文 (example)
[Note: This is a direct translation maintaining the original structure and content. Would you like me to continue with Chapter 2?]
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59
Send all the links to me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject HW#5 Enhance AI [your id, your name].
1. 從一組關鍵字開始撰寫一篇論文 (如果時間許可,換另一組關鍵字再練習一次)
A clothing store is having a tiered sale. They're offering 30% off on purchases over $200, 20% off on purchases between $100 and $200, and 10% off on purchases under $100. Additionally, they're giving an extra 5% off for loyalty card holders.
You want to buy:
You have a loyalty card. Calculate the final price.
1. 購買金額超過 $200:30% 折扣
2. 購買金額介於 $100 至 $200 之間:20% 折扣
3. 購買金額低於 $100:10% 折扣
4. 持有忠誠卡的顧客可額外獲得 5% 折扣
如何繳交作業 How to turn in your homework exercise.
Deadline: This Saturday at 23:59
Send all the links to me chang212@gmail.com by email with subject HW#4 Enhance AI [your id, your name].
練習: 生成筆記重點,筆記翻譯,簡報,旁白,理解測驗 (建議使用你所選擇的論文)
使用ChatGPT 重做上述題目
練習: 筆記重點有憑有據,分析文章 with explainable retrieval ,提供分析的文本依據(可使用文本Download the PDF)
練習: 將一篇英文論文做成中文podcast,由一位主持人訪問論文研究的發現與貢獻(可使用文本Download the PDF)
Prompt (提示)